Professor Martin Prince, President
Bachelor of Science (Middle Tennessee State University)
Graduate course work (California State University & Chapman University)
ELL Credential Certification (University of Phoenix)
California State Teaching Credential (National University)

Dr. Mary F. Jordan, Dean
Doctorate of Christian Education (Christian Bible College and Seminary)
Bachelors of Religious Studies (Aenon Bible College, Inc.)
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism (California State University at Los Angeles)
Circulus Scholarum Honor Society (Aenon Bible College, Inc.)

Dr. Wayne Botts
Doctorate of Philosophy in Theology (Aenon Bible College - West Coast)
Masters of Theology in Biblical Studies (AST)
Bachelors in Biblical Studies (Ministerial Training Institute)
Bachelors in Religious Education (AST)
Ordained Pastor, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
Member, Apostolic Ministerial Alliance (AMA)

Dr. Priscilla Brown
Masters of Religious Studies (AST)
Bachelor of Religious Studies (Aenon Bible College - West Coast)
Certified in Clergy Tax, Law and Finance.

Professor Eric Gibson
Masters in Non-Profit Leadership & Theology (Azusa Pacific University)
Bachelors in Religious Education (AST)

Professor Beverly Howard
Master of Christian Education (AST)
Bachelors of Christian Education (AST)
Teachers Training Course (AST)
Relational Database Management & Data Communication (UCLA)
Computer Science (Southwest College)

Professor Allen Mitchell
Masters in Business Administration (University of Phoenix)
Masters in Organizational Management (University of Phoenix)
Bachelors in Religious Studies (AST)
Bachelors in Management (University of Redlands)

Dr. Herbert Parker
Doctorate of Theology (Aenon School of Theology, Inc.)
Masters in Theology (Fuller Seminary)
Bachelor of Arts Health and Safety (California State University at Los Angeles)
Associate of Arts, Science, and Math (Los Angeles City College)

Professor Louise Prince
Bachelors in Education (Tennessee State University)
Coursework (Pepperdine University, Chapman University, University of Laverne, and California State University at Dominguez Hills)
Teaching Credential (State of California)

Professor Roberto Washington
Masters in Theology (AST)
Masters in Business Administration (University of Phoenix)
Bachelors in Business Administration (University of Phoenix)
Cum Laude, Associates in Liberal Arts (West LA College)