AST is dedicated to providing a vast range of classes that will fortify the degree you will receive upon completion of the appropriate requirements outlined under "Programs Offered".
AST Degrees truly prepares a people for greatness
in the Kingdom of God!
ART 100: Art Appreciation
BIB 100: Old Testament Survey
BIB 102: New Testament Survey
BIB 103: Old Testament Law I (Genesis & Exodus)
BIB 104: Old Testament Law II (Leviticus & Deuteronomy)
BIB 105: The Life of Christ
BIB 200: The Books of Joshua - Samuel
BIB 201: The Books of 1 Kings - Esther
BIB 202: The Book of Acts
BIB 203: The Books of Romans & Galatians
BIB 300: Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy & Titus)
BIB 301: Bible Archaeology
BIB 302: Biblical Types & Shadows
BIB 303: The Books of Job & Psalms
BIB 304: The Writings of Solomon
BIB 305: The Books of I & II Corinthians
BIB 306: The Books of Ephesians, Philippians & Colossians
BIB 310: Independent Study (Bible Exposition)
BIB 400: Major Prophets
BIB 401: Minor Prophets
BIB 402: The Books of Hebrews, James & Jude
BIB 403: The Books of Daniel & Revelation
BIB 404: Johannine Literature
BIB 405: Epistles of Peter & John
BIB 410: Independent Study
BIB 500: Exegesis of the New Testament
CED 100: Christian Education (Understanding Teaching)
CED 102: Teacher’s Training
CED 103: Public Speaking
CED 104: Human Development
CED 105: Conflict Resolution & Forgiveness
CED 106: Youth Ministry Leadership
CED 107: Biblical Writing
CED 108: Overcoming Challenges
CED 109: Powerful “Acts” of Prayer
CED 110: Youth Institute
CED 200: God’s High Calling For Women
CED 200-1: God’s High Calling For Young Women
CED 201: Spiritual Growth & Maturity
CED 202: Introduction to Christianity
CED 203: The Minister’s Spouse (Partner in Ministry)
CED 204: God’s High Calling For Men
CED 206: The Molding of a Disciple
CED 300: Successful Leadership
CED 301: Teaching to Change Lives
CED 303: Internship
CED 304: Advanced Leadership
CED 305: Learning Theories & Issues
CED 306: Church Growth
CED 307: Christian Family
CED 400: Dealing With Cults
CED 401: The Evidence Of One’s Calling
CED 410: Independent Study
CED 500: Foundations of Ministry
CED 504: Handbook of Teaching
CED 510: Independent Study
CED 600: Educational Research Methods
CED 601: Volunteerism (Development & Supervision)
CED 610: Independent Study
CST 100: Computer Science & Technology
ENG 100: English Grammar I
ENG 101: English Grammar II
ENG 200: English Composition I
ENG 201: English Composition
ENG 202: World Literature
ENG 203: English Composition II
ENG 300: Advance Research & Writing Techniques
GEN 100: The Master Student
GEN 101: Bible Study Methods
GEN 102: Inductive Bible Study Methods II
GEN 400: Assessments of Prior Learning & Life Experience
HIS 100: History of Pentecost
HIS 200: Life of Paul & Pauline Epistles
HIS 201: Bible Manners & Customs
HIS 202: Black Presence in the Bible
HIS 300: History of Civilization
HIS 301: History of African-American Christianity
HIS 400: Comparative Religions
HIS 401: Church History
HIS 402: Philosophy of Religion
HIS 410: Independent Study
MED 200: Radio & Television Broadcasting
MIN 100: Principles of Worship
MIN 101: Ministry of Altar Workers
MIN 102: Altar Workers Ministry/Demonology
MIN 200: Management Principles
MIN 300: Homiletics I (Sermon Preparation)
MIN 301: Homiletics II (Sermon Delivery)
MIN 302: Pastoral Principles
MIN 303: Ministry Within the Congregation
MIN 400: Ministering to Difficult People
MIN 401: Ministerial Preparation
MIN 402: Ordination Course
MIN 410: Independent Study
MIN 500: Church Administration
MIS 100: Study of Missions
MIS 200: Strategies of Soul Winning
MIS 201: History of Missions
MIS 202: Personal Evangelism
MIS 203: Contemporary Methodology of Missions
MIS 204: Home MIssions
MIS 205: Urban Evangelism
MIS 300: Church Planting
MIS 310: Independent Study
MIS 400: Mission Internship
MIS 401: Sign Language I & II
MIS 402: Special Study in Missions
MIS 410: Independent Study in Missiology
MIS 504: Introduction to World Missions
MIS 510: Independent Study
MUS 100: Music Appreciation
MUS 200: Instrumentation & Vocal Orchestration
PSY 100: Introduction to Psychology
PSY 101: Psychology of Personality
PSY 102: Motivation & Emotions
PSY 103: Human Development
PSY 104: Grief & Trauma
PSY 200: Social Psychology
PSY 201: Counseling in Abusive Situations
PSY 202: Psychology of Religious Behavior
PSY 203: Ministry and Crisis Intervention
PSY 300: Abnormal Psychology
PSY 301: Counseling Skills
(The Problem Management Approach)
PSY 302: The Christian Family
PSY 303: Small Group Processes
PSY 304: Family Counseling
(Helping Troubled Families)
PSY 400: Pastoral Psychology
PSY 401: Anger Management
PSY 410: Independent Study
PSY 455: Hope When You're Hurting
PSY 501: Healing for Damaged Emotions
SCI 100: Science and the Bible
SOC 100: Introduction to Social Sciences
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology
THE 100: Unveiling of the Name of Jesus
THE 200: Introduction to Systematic Theology
THE 201: Principles of the Apostolic Doctrine (Apostolicity)
THE 202: Bible Doctrine (Theism & Bibliology)
THE 203: Bible Doctrine (Theology & Angelology)
THE 204: Hermeneutics I
THE 204B: Hermeneutics II
THE 300: Bible Doctrine (Anthropology & Soteriology)
THE 301: Rapture Alert
THE 400: Systematic Theology II
THE 401: Exegesis / The New Testament
THE 402: Christian Apologetics
THE 410: Independent Study
THE 500: Eschatology (The Church & End Times)
THE 501: Pneumatology
THE 502: Theologies of Religious Education
THE 504: The Eternal State (Heaven/Hell)
THE 510: Independent Study
THE 603: Monotheism
THE 603B: The Oneness of God
LAN 200: Introduction to Spanish
LAN 300: Biblical Greek I
LAN 301: Biblical Greek
LAN 302: Hebrew Grammar
LAN 400: Advanced New Testament Greek I
LAN 401: Advanced New Testament Greek II